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Platte County R-III Pirate Booster Club

Next Meeting:  Wednesday October 17th in the Decca Room just inside the Activities Center  - 7:00 PM


[Under Construction]


Service with the Booster Club

Serving with the Booster Club can really be a great way to support the kids, make friends and make a difference.  There are dozens of opportunities to get involved.  You can come to the next meeting and meet one of the chairpersons below or simply contact one of them.

As we develop this new website, we will have a link for each of the areas below so you can understand what types of service opportunities and areas of involvement are available.

Chairpersons:  (Click on a name to send them an e-mail)


Merchandising - Lindy Rolofson
Membership - Karla Legget-Morris
Seat Sales - Tina Zubek
Hospitality - Kim Hebert
Publicity - Lisa Alebvel
Volunteer Coordinator - Open
Hall of Fame - Lee Ann Fadler
Concession Stand - Open



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Send mail to webmaster@pcpirateboosterclub.com with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 2006 Platte County Pirate Booster Club
Last modified: 09/26/07